12ft.io to overcome this stupid paywall.
12ft.io to overcome this stupid paywall.
Im glad you’re ok. Its just a dent in the owners pocketbook( close friend of the martinelli vineyard) but the loss also has many repercussions down the job line as you know. With the smoke and heat damage alone, it’ll be a fucked year.
This fire moved amazingly quick. Hopefully it dies down tonight. I’m surrounded by fires,watching the wind direction. It’s a really fucked up waiting game at this point. Condolences to all my friends who lost it all,and all the ones to come.
All jokes aside. Many of my friends have lost everything. We’re still not in the clear
Yeah my old Bultaco got ran over by a train. train didn’t budge, no derailment,bike was a mangeled mess. I guess if the planets all lined up a measly dirt bike could cause a derailment..... <— sarcasm
same job, only difference is you have to grind a 1' square where the motor and trans mate, and add an included oil filter housing with a direct oil feed line to the IMS.
Careful with those IMS issues. just had a 2000 carerra, ims was “replaced.”