This happens all the time (random airdrops sent by mistake, not dick pics thankfully - but then I wouldn’t know as I don’t accept them).
This happens all the time (random airdrops sent by mistake, not dick pics thankfully - but then I wouldn’t know as I don’t accept them).
for me, if a game requires you to obtain not just characters, but also weapons, as well as other items via gatcha, it’s an instant uninstall for me. That’s just taking the fucking piss. Also I kinda hate it when they require you to have multiple copies of the same character/weapon/whatever in order to increase the…
“How do you realistically solve this problem though? How do they expect animators to deliver ‘quality’ when they’re constantly on the short end of the stick?”
I use my apple watch to ping the phone. Problem is finding the watch.... and hope it’s charged... and unlocked because without the phone, can’t unlock it.
how long? asking for a friend.
this give zero fucks about the religion. It’s just a tool to try to justify their actions
Fuck me, all these years I never ever noticed the spelling of Oddysee....
if you can’t go for a few hours without drinking you have a fucking problem. If it was up to me I would ban alcohol on planes, period. Who thought it was a good idea to let people get drunk in a small metal tube flying through the air???
Panic, by definition, is uncontrollable. What’s the point of saying “what’s the point of panicking?” you either do or don’t it’s not a choice.
This is what’s great about Japan: Love Hotels. You pay like $30 for a nice room (and yes unless you go to the real dodgy ones the rooms are very nice), spend a couple hours thee to do your thing, and get out (or spend a bit more, like $40-50 for the night). Modern ones use machines to book the room. Some even have…
if you think this doesn’t happen in hotels, you are very naive.
“if someone doesn’t text you back for a day (and they normally do) and you freak out on them because of it... that isn’t on them, that is on you.. who knows.. they could have meant to respond, but didn’t, or have had an emergency.. who knows...”
I somewhat agree with this. I’m a guy, all these so called “dating experts” keep saying to make your first message original, not just “hi”, but guess what I use Bumble and the women all just start with “Hi” or “How’s your day going?”. I also got a much better responde rate when I talked to them like a nomal person…
When using dating apps like Tinder or Bumble I’ve had much higher chances actually meeting my matches when I kept the initial texting short.
Why are games all priced the same? The cost or effort put into making these games are different from game to game, so I don’t see why there should be a standard $60 price for most games. Is it the publishers trying to get a bigger cut? is it the developer sacrificing profit per game sold in order to sell more copies?
well maybe in public bathrooms but this is from the point of view of a waiter/waitress so not really a “public” bathroom but rather one in a restaurant.
“a game about a woman who uses VR to travel back through time doesn’t need to be too realistic”
How is it a chinese movie?
when’s the last time you visited England? the food is not as bad as people say. Joke’s getting old. In my experience, the food is much better in London than it is in Paris for example.
Why have I never seen these?