
“Every baby is a blessing”

It wasn’t Jesus, but pretty close.

Someone posted this on GT yesterday, and I’m still reeling.

Did not know that. I’m actually for universal conscription for a set number of years for everyone. By putting everyone’s skin in the game lawmakers tend to be a little more hesitant to start wars. Without the draft the military can end up looking like a blue collar work camp that doesn’t reflect all of society.

I think that would be great.

I don’t agree with having a draft at all (mostly because I don’t think we need near the military force we already have, and if there were a real reason to go to war that everyone agreed on, there would be plenty of volunteers), but I agree that if we have one there is no reason not to include women.

Did you know that every time you use the phrase “social justice warrior” an angel flies down from heaven to take a giant invisible shit on your face? Then you’re walking around with your head and face and shoulders dripping with the stuff, and no one can quite see it or smell it but they know there’s something wrong

Are you being disingenuous on purpose? In no way does the article spend a couple thousand words on it, “it” being what you highlighted. The article does explore the actual problems with the existing Marvel properties that are officially confirmed.