
We do indeed sir. We do indeed!

It's OK. I think there are 12 step programs to help people such as yourself.

It's a trailer...it has no natural progression of time. These could be two completely separate scenes.

The answer from the old EU was that the Kessel run went between a series of black holes. Solo flew so close to one that he used its distortion to cut the distance of his flight to 12 parsecs.

Holy shit! A lightsaber glaive?! You, dear sir have crossed the line in to complete and utter genius.

I don't like Abrams. I think the first couple of seasons of Alias remain his finest work, but that shot of the Falcon, with the camera swooping round...gave me hope. A new hope, if you will.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

I don't want to be a nerd, but..

You mean they might have something that appeals to children?! In a Star Wars movie?!! Perish the thought

i want a hi-res shot of that for a wallpaper! hopefully they put some out

I just spoodge myself!

I really don't want to love again. I've been... hurt before. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up....

Why is my face wet??!?!

Well that's just great now I am going to be walking around all day (all year) with a big nerdgasam boner.

Cumberbatch?? where?

What, forgot all about this guy didja?!

She is no one.

honestly, the same could be said for people who bathe in body spray, and think cologne is a replacement for showers. but for some reason, one is more offensive than the other

wow why so much hate in the comments? :/