
Awesome. I won't be buying one myself since my 360 should arrive tomorrow, but at least I'll look like less of a dork now.

It's not the band that's the problem.....

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.... For all of Apple's great industrial design, *this* is what they came up with? I seriously can't imagine strapping that thing to my wrist, and that's supposedly the best angle that they could come up with to photograph it?

I gotta say, that thing is ugly as sin. Even changing out the strap won't fix it. I'm sure that won't stop a flood of people from buying it though.

Oh my god its hideous hahaha

Ha, I see it now

Nebulon-B Frigate.

Guns are legal in the US, but I don't think shooting your phone is going to do much good.

[...douche canoe...]

Personally, I have already mastered one-handed mode on all of my "devices."

You're totally right; the way in which he has turned down most of his sponsorship opportunities, canceled the reality documentary after negative feedback, performed well in the preseason, and given one interview since being drafted by the Rams (in which he talked about how performing well in the preseason gave him

I need a crew (aka a bunch of psychopaths) who will to dress up in Starfleet uniforms with me and wonder around a major city as if we are lost time travels.

This one was kind of lackluster, but I guess it's hard to write Why Your Team Sucks about a team that literally never sucks. Only one season worse than 6-10 since 1969, and that was 5-11 one year in the 80s.

Are you 90 years old or just obtuse?

The Empire isn't in as dire straights after the Emperor and Darth and DS2.0 were destroyed. That was an important victory, but far from causing the Empire to decompose. I have the benefit of having read many of the books - and I know they aren't letting the books force their hand, bit they aren't abandoning the meta

Looks like a Punisher skull to me.

Weird, it looks like a pixelated W but it also looks like a skull.


Is it me, or did the British just put a giant Dalek on top of their ship?