Curtis Jensen

I hate this idea with the passion of a thousand burning suns. That said I do remember that when I was a kid in the 70's we had these weekly summer kids movies screenings that you would buy a package ticket to at the end of the school year and then every Tuesday at 11am Mom would drop us off at the new fangled

"It's pretty good with the mustard but it just tastes like the mustard" - welcome to eating a hot dog. Don't get me wrong, I would never order this product, but it's just "pigs in a blanket" which is a decades old party staple. I also find the "it's greasy" observation to be really weird - it's pizza from a mass

There's a great new shop here in San Francisco that makes artisanal comments from handmade organic inks. They're a bargain at $25 a comment.

I prefer the warm tones and intimacy of comments written on parchment with a quill.

I'm happy to defy the statistics. I am constantly looking for, listening to and buying new music from new artists every week. Yes I still enjoy listening to the content of 4 decades of collecting music, but I probably listen to newer material more.

And I don't agree with the point. I think it's akin to criticizing a more traditional series for repeating plots themes and characterizations. I feel that the each season stands on it's own. There is nothing new about any particular show runner, director, writer or artist exploring the same set of themes throughout

The Soprano's might have been good if they hadn't kept repeating that tired "Mafia" and family stuff. and Breaking Bad producers, we get it, he makes meth, can we move on already.

"The feature-length film My Fair Lady" , which is listed as the source for "Selfie" is itself an adaptation of the stage musical, which is an adaptation of the stage play "Pygmalion" which is an adaptation of a story that is part of Ovid's classical Greek poem "Matamorphoses". Rom-coms are nothing new.