Yub Yub Commander

Do you have a source for that off-the-rack thing? That's a seriously classy move on her part.

Shaolin Wagon

"Hun-ger Games, ya ya ya"

Yeah it's like 2.5 hours uncut. Definitely doable.

It was based on the stage production, but it still looked like, you know, a TV movie. It wasn't a filmed staging.

I don't want to say it's the best Macbeth adaptation, but I really really like Maqbool. It's Macbeth in the Mumbai underworld, and it's just a really good adaptation.

Patrick Stewart was in a fantastic adaptation for PBS a few years ago that set the play in a 1930s Soviet milieu. Sort of like McKellen's Richard III from the 90s.

My college theater department did this big year-long study of Macbeth culminating in a full production, so I've seen just about every version of it. I've gotta be honest, the Polanski left me really cold. I thought voicing over the monologues while the actors just sat and twitched their eyebrows (for minutes!) was a

Nobody's made a Bad Judge with J. Reinhold joke in this thread, so…

"because having sex with a weird, old guy is totally a thing that hip, young people do" (in a film starring, directed by, and adapted from a book written by weird old guys).

When I was 7 or so, I got a copy of the Star Wars Introductory Adventure Game for my birthday. It was one of those "campaign-in-a-box" type deals from the old d6 West End Star Wars RPG system, and it came with counters and maps and little paper character tokens and of course a big fat rulebook.

Do you think Sonia would like a Cuban sandwich?

I finally cracked and made an AV Club account specifically to take issue with Sonia throwing shade at the X-Wing books. Unforgivable. The X-Wing books are the Chazz Michael Michaels of my early-to-mid teens. They WERE my early-to-mid teens. They're action-packed, funny, touching, and easy to read in a bored afternoon.