Definitely. You know, it was such an issue that Hillary gave paid speeches to Goldman Sachs. Melania will just call them lunch with the cabinet.
Definitely. You know, it was such an issue that Hillary gave paid speeches to Goldman Sachs. Melania will just call them lunch with the cabinet.
Their intimate relationship aside, she can’t have it both ways. She can’t not want to be FLOTUS and still try to capitalize on the title.
Socialite? I don’t think she ever leaves Trump tower unless it’s to be by his side!
She’s no victim. She spouted the same birther bullshit as he did. She seems to be just as greedy as he is and I wouldn’t be surprised if she were as racist as he is.
Can we all agree that Melania is no captive victim here? She may despise her disgusting beast of a husband, but she’s in on the insanity all the same.
Daily fucking reminder:
That’s called outrage fatigue and trump is counting on it. Take a breather and then put your yelling pants back on.
I just wanted to share this pic. Taken from twitter about the LGBT protest. The commitment of this is legit
This reminds me... I have to read the goddamn Handmaid’s Tale.
This was the backside of one of my women’s march signs:
When I heard myself nodding to Mitch McConnell’s response — just an excerpt that was broadcast on NPR — and thinking “yes; that makes sense,” I realised how far we have fallen. Mitch McConnell as a voice of reason in the face of lunacy.
While I realize BMaher is more than a bit of a dick, his incisive mocking of ‘our Donald’ has become a recent fav of mine. This toxic administration is teaching me to love Bill.
Can’t you just feel them sawing your crotch in half?
See, I find myself questioning my sanity when I watch The Fall. I think “Maybe he just needs to find the right woman to settle down with and then he’ll grow out of this silly little serial killer phase”. And I, of course, am the right woman.
Giz Media has had a hate boner for Uber for years, long before Trump came along. They also get sweet ad money from Lyft so don’t expect any serious investigation into their bullshit.
The things that blows my mind about this are manyfold.
How are there no other repubs with their fucking eyes open.
I don’t understand why the press never ask him really specific questions. Ask him to name one black person other than Fredrick Douglass, MLK, Ben Carson, and that chick from the Apprentice. A work of literature by a black author he found inspiring. To name 5 countries in Africa.
I find it laughable that he derides the press for being unfair. He could be getting it so much worse. He’s a fucking moron and they pretend like what he says is rational and coherent.