
Me and my friends use Prostitution Whore (PW for short) almost daily as a verb and as a term of endearment. “Did you PW last night?” or “Hey PW.”

I grew up here. There is lots of money around the lake and in city limits. The county is dirt poor, former coal mining industry

I had multiple surgeries and still have chronic pain. I tried smoking/vaping. I got absolutely no relief. It actually made me focus more on the pain. Not for me.

Send Debbie home! CNN currently showing Debbie Wasserman-Shultz doing a walk through on stage at the DNC. Someone please explain to me why Hillary Clinton is going to let DWS open and close the convention, as well as give a “3-5 minute speech.” This makes absolutely no sense. She needs to be on the first flight home.

It’s a sequel. Not a remake. There are eight books from The Mary Poppins Stories. This new movie will be based on one of the books, not the original movie.