lol so is Liz a native American or not?
More like America > all the rest, Islam is a misogynist pile of crap and isn’t it weird how 3% of the population commit 50% of murders?
They’re basically grandma and grandpa - cut em some slack you dicks.
We actually like her - she’s the Donald Trump of the left.
Once you can explain WHY it’s ok for black Americans to be conservatives we’ll listen to your explanation of WHY black journalists NEED to be part of CBS’ lineup.
Those tax dollars come from middle class people who want border security.
theRacists: now more racisty than ever!
So? She’s a leftist commie SJW socialist pinko. We get it.
Sounds like she mixed up the number of Americans killed, murdered by ILLEGALS per year - 4,000.
This is about saving AMERICAN lives.
Your “fact checks” are opinions, and are useless.
“Ohhh protect us from that scourge, Russia! Oh but by the way we won’t buy oil and gas from America, we’re buying it from Russia.”
Stop hating Jews, you Nazi filth.
she’s sexy af but her policies are garbage and socialism is tyranny+theft-guns=death
So interesting how the left voted in literal farrakhan-loving anti-Jew anti-semites and yet they’re freaking out about some rando.
Stop using sarcasm; it’s just lies.
The left will not allow a white man to be their nominee.
76 of 78 socialists running, lost their elections.