
So call your Democrat reps and tell them to give the 5 billion.

“Ohhh protect us from that scourge, Russia! Oh but by the way we won’t buy oil and gas from America, we’re buying it from Russia.”

Stop hating Jews, you Nazi filth.

Matt “i hate trump and his supporters and oh yeah his ideas too” Novak

she’s sexy af but her policies are garbage and socialism is tyranny+theft-guns=death

So interesting how the left voted in literal farrakhan-loving anti-Jew anti-semites and yet they’re freaking out about some rando.

Stop using sarcasm; it’s just lies.

The left will not allow a white man to be their nominee.

76 of 78 socialists running, lost their elections.

“Climate threat”? Prove it.

First - you can’t simultaneously scream “unpresidential! omg the decorum!” while screaming along with “motherf*cker!” from a sitting congresswoman.

I know you like to hate all white people, and you show this proudly as “lookit what white peepo do y’all!” but this guy is clearly sick in the head.

This surprises nobody - Romney has always been a swamp-thing, and now takes the place of mcCain and flake. He shall be well vilified by all and sundry.

racist? what “race” is “illegal immigrant”? 60/40 isn’t “VAST MAJORITYOMG”.

lol this is just plain censorship

“Lookit the white man killin’ all us!”

France will revolt over a bad haircut, but this time it’s actually justified.

y’all racist af

Yeah, because the entire WH staff, and the seals themselves don’t understand that a picture on twitter could mess up their day.

Hey lefties - time to pressure Japan on “diversity” until they bend the knee from annoyance and stop killing whales.