
oh, hmm. Another government dropped ball.

your extreme leftism is nauseating

100,000 vote difference not enough?

Go back to your basket-weaving, gender studies, diversity and sexes in the late 2010's college classes that were a waste of your parent’s money.

Get identity politics out of our games.

I don’t see any threat that they ‘allegedly’ made, especially any threats of violence. They said Trump should blah blah blah.

Holdupholdupholdup - what “race” are “migrants”?

Build the wall.

Social media. Full stop.

Hilarious how the WH has 400+ young black leaders in to discuss policy and Obama had Jay-Z and did NOTHING for the black community.

Sorry Mikey - all the slave owners, KKK and yeah, even Nazis - ALL LEFTIST.

 I’ll just leave this here:

Cute, I don’t think Splinter can lean any more left.

Kanye is tryna warn you - get off the plantation. They use you for your votes, then do NOTHING for the black community. Look at what your brother Barack did: started race wars and made police the enemy.

False flags by the unhinged left “oo look they’re attacking us, ignore the 600+ attacks on Trump supporters and GOP”

It’s not about Ford.

Aaaannnndd again the only people complaining are the rich, well-educated (but not smart) lefties who are embarassingly white and make 6-digits.

What a long, omgleftbiased rant. Thanks for that.

Meanwhile, young black men, a full 3% of the population, commit 50% of the murders.

Meanwhile, HRC demonized/dehumanized Trump supporters, calling them “deplorables”.