I’m sure Walters had nothing to do with it, misandrist.
I’m sure Walters had nothing to do with it, misandrist.
Left: “Women are power, women are the future, ALL WOMEN MATTER! #METOO”
We won - the MAGA movement isn’t exactly in the shadows, nor does it have anything to do with white supremacy or the KKK (that’s you guys, Democrats). You’re the racists, anti-whites, anti-semites, pro-hamas, pro-ms-13 ridiculous extremists.
Yet another “big scary rifle” trope. Yeah, ok genius with an opinion but zero knowledge, what caliber was it? What, in fact, IS an AR-10? How shooty is it? Is it semi-auto?
lol ok, try to sell us on islam.....GO
The fact that the left sides with terrorists over Jews still surprises me.
Scare invaders so that they won’t make the dangerous (85%+ girls raped on journey) trip to illegally enter America.
Yeah, but Brennan, who, unlike Haspel was high up the chain of command, demanded torture and HE’s the left’s poster boy.
That’s nice and anecdotal, but what about the exorbitant number of white people killed by blacks? To the tune of 25x more than white on black, even considering the difference in population differences?
6'1" - 234
Hey Mr. Anti-White mcRacist:
Maybe if you weren’t so keen on law-breaking, you’d stop seeing police as “the enemy”.
“Although the park map showed that the family was indeed in the wrong area for grilling,”
Is this a good time to bring up affirmative action and the SAT score “adjustments” of +230 points (and -50 points for Asians)?
Stop with the victim mentality. That’s all he’s saying. Choose to not be victims. Stop hating white people - no white person, no person alive today in America believes in slavery.
Zing, you sure got him! Can’t think of (Jeb) other people (Hillary) who have done this (every Kennedy) before....
So your reasoning is “mob rule” should be the way America is run? “We got the most votes, ignore those other 47 states!” Your argument is tired and pointless and the only way to change the system is to have those small states willingly give up their representation.
Every single one of these anti-Trump “blog posts” are written by PoC, usually women. Then there’s Tom McKay, Mr. FuKTrump himself. Where’s the diversity?
Just another vile and unfunny extreme leftist. Nobody brought in an extreme righty to take down Obama or Clinton.