Just when I thought Mikey couldn’t get any more racist.
Just when I thought Mikey couldn’t get any more racist.
WTF Michael - this is a non-racist non-white-bashing article about improving the lives of the black community in Chicago that obama-buddy Rahm doesn’t give two shpitz about.
Let’s see if we can do a mirror-reflection of your racism Damon!
It’s OK to be white.
Tinder and sex apps and netflix and chill and kardashislutz and lingerie parties and ‘women are just as sexual as men’ but then oh no, don’t flirt with me cuz I don’t like you like that and Mike Pence is a complete douche because he won’t have dinner with anyone but his wife.
Goose-step along with the leftist brownshirts, parrot mantras about diversity which simply means ‘no white people’, attack white people at every opportunity and wonder why some folks on the right want to play in your stupid identity-politics game as well. Guess what, people on the right are individuals, and you hate…
Flashback to HRC falling into a van, falling into a plane, falling out of favor...
1) He recused himself so it’s all moot
What happens in a sanctuary city stays in a sanctuary city. Start fussin’ about illegals and we’ll start fussin’ about uppity white folk. Til then - it’s your own democrat den of leftist boolsheet
Hey Mikey - your Angel Brazile cheated and COLLUDED and gave answers to Hillary - she is a thief and a liar and a cheater and you mention none of this. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/donna-brazile-finally-admits-she-shared-debate-questions-with-clinton-campaign/article/2617742
5 min after Vegas and HRC was tweeting about silencers - an active bill that was actually in congress. Doesn’t get more political than that.
nice race-baiting... “hey y’all, let’s start a race war based on this ad hominem one-off story about a terrible person because ALL WHITE PEOPLE SUCK AND PROLLY NEED KILLIN’”
Hey Michael the Racist - yet another anti-white “we dindunuffin’ post, love em, keep em coming.
1) She was talking to stupid journalists who know nothing other than to parrot what they’re told - they understand beer tabs though
Problem is the successful (NOT ordinary Americans evidently) are on the hook for every single thing Bernie wants to do. The wealthy will simply leave once Bernie starts instituting his insane socialist plans and you can’t demand free shiz from middle America, who can’t afford to give you free shiz. Socialism only…
Hey Racist Michael - the costume was never an actual flag - therefore it doesn’t need to adhere to the flag rules. Us white peepo will let you know when she actually abuses an actual flag.
Gimme Ivanka over Chelsea ALL DAY LONG
Another racist article. How about the reset button for black people? Black men account for what, 6% of the population and 50% of murders. Stop blaming white people and blame your god-dang-selves. Start with rap - it’s no longer ‘our story about our struggle’ - it’s now ‘yo young blood, hate cops, steal shiz, beat hos’.
Sure, we come here because the headlines on the clickbaity anti-Trump articles are too stupid to pass up. Moore is a washed-up brainless, talentless dolt, and to think otherwise is to have your head in the sand. See also: islam, misogyny, FGM, child rape, gay-killing YET the left STILL adores jihadist Linda Sarsour.…
Just waiting for the Democrat Party to finally kick white people out. That’s the end-game. Why pretend otherwise?