
Oh yeah!

Between this one and Obama with kids theres not enough awwwwww in the world..... just not enough.

Open racist talk indicates acceptance (by society) comfort (in numbers) and aquiesence (by authority structures). It is the precursor to open (violent) racist behavior.

AMEN. +1,ooo,ooo. All the stars or truth to you, internet commenter of great insight and exqusite taste.

Yup. Cause of death; extreme stupidity. And they’re dragging the rest of us down with ‘em, like it or not, so there! #RIPAmerica

*sigh* If only the Dowager Countess could be our President.

Like Marvel Superheroes in the Alternate Universe!

O LORD YES Love them I may, but suck they most certinly do. Strong in the suckage are they, my Bears.

Yes. And all grown up too. #oldster

HEY that’s my jam! #ilikeeddiessinging

THIS. When they look at you it’s all negative thoughts. They actually need to talk with you before they’ll even conceed that you’re nice, or smart, or y’kno, NORMAL.


I always thought Hot Fuzz was more accurate!

BINGO! If I could get away with helping myself ot money thats not mine, robbing banks lets say, and never went to jail, I’d be rich as fuck! But prison? Not me. Everybody knows jail sucks, that’s why MOST people, rich and poor, black and white, DON’T go around committing crimes. Just apply the law and book ‘em.

What will work is applying the law to these murderes like they do with poor people. Jail time and executions. And better background checks (for membership in extremist organazations) and psych screening.

Because they are killing one black person EVERY 29 HOURS in the US. And nobody is doing anything. And no one (or hardly anyone for thousands of deaths through the last decade) has been jailed or executed in states that list murder as a capital crime. Man, this world sho don’t like black folk. Fact: in the 20th century

Packer Fans = Most Insufferable of All. #DaBears

Maybe somebody’s attorney dad will back me up on this, but if one person is underage and the other is a legal adult, sex between them, whether consensual or not is defined as rape, or at least corrupting a minor etc. The thought being that the grown up should know better and act accordngly. Statue of limitations is

If cats were six feet tall (shoulder height) and weighed 200 lbs we’d ALL be screwed, believe it. #skilledpredeators

He’s a magnificent beast. FTFY. Welcome.