
I like the cut of your jib, citizen. Brains 4 the win!

He is by all acounts, a decent man. Saves lives and everything. Modest too. And still smoking hot.

Smart kids like you are the future.

The sum total of all my dreams.

She is the greatest entertainer of the twentieth century. I rember her voice from WVON, my mothers record player, throught my formative years and life. My mother (RIP) loved Aretha, and so do I. I pray that Aretha never dies, cause should that day come, I will feel very much that I have outlived any usefulness I may

Oprah. Nobody fucks with Oprah. (See: David Letterman, Texas Cattlemen, etc)


The judges and contestants on this show epitomize some of the finest qualities of the British people, and I love them all.

WHICH NETFLIX ARE YOU WATCHING? There is only one measly season on mine. Is it some kind of super secret Netflix for cool people or something? Cause if I can haz four more seasons of this most excellent show right now, I’ll try really super hard to be cool, OK?

Thank you.

Haven’t seen a DQ in a while, but back in the day they had a butterscotch sundae that was amazing!

Welp those cheeseheads are pretty skeezy...#dabears

Let’s hope so! *fingers crossed*

TRUE. Then he’d eat LeBron’s lunch, and mop the floor with him too.


I learned my lesson about the Google warning after one-story mentioning anal prolapse. Just had to look. Oh, I learned.

I’m embarrassed to admit how much I’d pay for a copy of a game no one talks about anymore, from the guys that made Balder’s Gate, I believe, it’s called Wizardry. It was awesome. Never could get through that blasted maze!

Stick it with a fork where the thigh joint meets the body. If the juice that runs out is clear, its done!

For your consideration...sorry/notsorry. I STILL can’t help it.

+1,000,000,000 I’m stealing your EXCELLENT idea and using it as a question if I ever get to ask Bernie (or any other reasonable candidate) a question. “Will you put Obama AND/(or) Michelle on the court?” Preferably both. Cutest supreme court couple EVER