Yes. Sexy old grump, ain’t he? Redistribute baby...yeah.
D earn my loyalty, and my vote.
If I get a pot cookie to go with, deal.
Your dog does porn? Neat.
Then let me reccomend a brand called Best’s Kosher beef hotdogs. The best hot dogs in the galaxy. You’re welcome.
The Cubs will lose. This movie will not suck. I’m not going out on a limb with either option here.
What about my neighbors ass? He’s hot.
Would this note qualify as shade? I mean, he’s not right out calling Carson a dumbass of the first degree (so to speak) but it’s just IMPLIED so well... I dunno. Thoughts?
They knew not the Earth, Wind and FIRE ?, Felt not the funk? Savages they are heed them not!
FOR GOD SAKE NO Haven’t you got a baseball bat or something?
It’s swinging so far over the edge of right wing insanity, they won’t quit until the fever pitch of hatred, sadism, and anger that grips them is expressed in horrible lethal violence against innocent Americans (probably black, damnit!) who have done absolutely nothing to them. Then they’ll pick up the pieces, build a…
Yup. NEVER go to London at Christmastime...
Where is it headed? Mass killings of black people. Nothing has been done over the last couple of years about state santioned police killings and they number in the thousands. The freelancer Zimmerman got off scott free, although to it’s credit, Michigan did prosecute that one porch shooter. Think the draft riots of…
Evil-dingbat cake. MMMmmmmmm...
DING DING DING! We have a winner!
I would totally vote for him. South side, baby.
You mean THE KING IN THE NORTH, don’t you?