
...the first hurricane to strike the Big Island since...1949.

Nobody expects the Spanish friend tradition.

And people hate Kid Rock for rhyming things with things...

Still does for me... as I’ve just watched again....Jesus. I’m a teenager again.

He doesn’t just get to see her one last time.... that’s what make the whole thing such a kick in the balls after the MIA episode where Andrea Thompson dies and his wife goes on without him... he gets to be with her again because Sam sacrifices himself.

Idea for show revival that’s been kicking around in my head for years:

Fun fact: the tip of the Washington Monument in DC is a 2.8 kilogram aluminum casting, serving as a lightning rod. It was so unusual to see so much aluminum in one place it was publicly exhibited prior to installation.

No. It’s perfectly reasonable to ask, why people perform risky behavior, and not be blaming the victim. If you don’t want your nude photos stolen from your phone, and spread on the internet, then perhaps you should take just a bit of responsibility and make sure they can’t ever be stolen. You’re not blaming them for

It seems like a stretch that a celebrity that’s been on SNL for a year, just co-starred in a multimillion summer blockbuster, and has been targeted by racist trolls for months, wasn’t aware that somebody might be trying to hack into her personal accounts. So I’d absolutely take your bet, especially considered

I guess I just don’t see the major difference between the dangers of crossing the park at night and keeping sensitive photos on your phone. In both cases we know that there are predators lurking — especially for celebrities. And most muggers don’t make a decision on the spot to mug somebody — they’re planning to mug

Ugh. You are the worst.

Everyone is jumping all over you for this, but you are right.

This isn’t about blaming the victim, it is about taking security measures as a celebrity. Part of being a celebrity is knowing there are unscrupulous people that will do what they can to insert themselves into your life in some terrible manner. For this

Well I’m old and no matter who is to blame what the fuck do people need to take nudies of themselves for? The only answer I can really come up with is because they’re stupid. But again, I’m old.

One, it’s a metaphor which you understood perfectly well but decided to be pedantic about so congratulations. Two, after the “fappening” and other incidents involving celebrities people should know to be really smart about what they do with their data.

I would have to totally agree. Getting her account hacked is very wrong as is putting that info out for the world to see. But on the other hand I don’t know why anyone would keep things like that around. Still wrong but in this day and age NEVER save or put anything into the cloud OR your phone if you don’t want

It’s a valid question and it deserves an honest discussion, it does not deserve to be shut down with cries of “Victim blamer!!” This isn’t Jezebel.

I agree with sfmountainbiker. If you know that these photos could be hacked, why would you risk posting them in the first place? Of course the ultimate blame lies with the hackers, but this is a fair question.

Do whatever you want but don't leave your photos on your phone or in the cloud. I don't want my car stolen so I don't leave the keys on the dash.

Not all earthquakes are equal. If the shaking happens to be cycling in short enough waves, the resonance causes walls and foundations to literally break apart. Sometimes larger total energy earthquakes will end up doing less damage to structures, but might cause tremendous damage to roads, pipelines and objects like

I bet it’s Deus Ex and Bioshock Infinite.