
Link was provided above.

That’s exactly how it seems to work:

I agree that I’m not a fan of these “winners”, but I have been looking for a slim front pocket wallet. I was considering this one, but was hoping that something might come out of this article. I looked at the saddleback but it seems expensive for what it is and it doesn’t even fit dollar bills entirely. That would

I agree that I’m not a fan of these “winners”, but I have been looking for a slim front pocket wallet. I was

Less likely the guy was doing it to perv out as it is that he was using it to case the neighborhood. If you’re a thief, a few thousand dollars isn’t a big investment for a valuable tool of the trade. (Hell, maybe he stole the drone!)

But that would get you arrested for sure. Apparently you can use a drone in broad daylight without fear of any police action.

He most certainly is paranoid, and generally he’s the neighbor that complains about everything. I don’t think this guy was a peeping tom, as much as a potential thief casing the neigborhood. Still would be very stupid to do in broad daylight where he could be (and was) confronted. I can’t 100% be sure my neighbor

I got some more details on the incident. It happened during the day, and my neighbor confronted the operator. I live on a street with three-story townhouses, and the operator was flying from house to house “meticulously peering into each third story window” with the camera clearly pointing into the houses. It’s true,

A neighbor just reported a drone being used to peer into windows along our street. Peeping tom? Scoping out the place? Either way its creepy and the SFPD won’t do anything. The new drone age is fun indeed.

You don’t get the fried chicken. But you do have to endure the sights, sounds and smells of your seat buddy devouring half a chicken he smuggled in his carry-on. And Patrick Stuart incessantly kicking your seat.

I’ll help with a second stage booster.

Unfortunately, I can’t see the practical use for this giant contraption outside of car (or maybe very basic aviation) simulation, and there are much smaller and more reasonable set ups for that.

highlighting the possibility of recovering ancient proteins from extinct animals—and even the remains of early humans

I bet Hillary was wearing a mohair pantsuit.

Oh please, humans are animals. What other animal is altruistic? Name one.

Sounds like something H.A.L. would say.

Nice try, but the new Airpods have two (holes?) on each ear and the stem is much thicker.

over time, Pluto’s heart became heavy

I appreciate the symmetry of the bottom of the phone too

I disagree. If you cut the “holographic plate” (again, this is a misnomer) in half, you would not see the entire circle or dove or whatever when the transducer is turned on. The information of the image is not stored equally throughout the plate.