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Actually this is nothing like a hologram. It’s cool, and it’s a form of 3-D projection, but it’s not a hologram. From your own link, a piece of a hologram contains the whole object. This is hard to conceptualize, but an important distinction .

The funny thing is that in your example, no water is actually displaced and the pool water level would remain the same. Why wouldn’t the weight of the melted glacier water similarly cause the ground at the bottom of the ocean to sink?

The removal of all that heavy ice would have allowed the land to bounce up, creating algae-smeared coastal plains.

Meh, not really...the NatGeo gif just shows land only (no sea ice), since the focus is on the change from ice to vegitation (no vegitation in the ocean). I guess you can call them biased, but it’s kinda silly.

The earth breathes....

Actually, it’s not because they are out of ideas or afraid of new ones, but you’re on the right track with the cost. The problem is that “big budget” films cost SO much that big bank loans are required to fund them. But banks hate taking risk for huge amounts of money. Studios know they can get a loan for Avengers

I’m still upset about the rumor that the AppleCare for this iBag doesn’t cover water damage. They will replace your unit if it tears, but god help you if you get it wet.

Sorry, MacBook Air©™

My dad threw a dinner party and one of his guests grabbed his Airbook and started chopping away at some carrots on it. Airbook survived, but it looked like it had been used as a cutting board. I’m pretty sure alcohol was involved, but it was still a dumbass move.

Awwwe, God got his fingerprints all over it...

Yeah, the whole damn thing is fishy if you ask me. I immediately suspected fraud, but the Apple store insisted it was just an unfortunate accident. I looked at the serial numbers that were entered... only the last 3rd of the numbers were identical. I have no idea how someone could mix them up and end up with my exact

Can’t come fast enough....

I’ve not found contacting Apple to be simple. Do I just send a letter addressed to One Infinity Loop?

Starring in the hope this helps others.

Thank you for your sacrifice so that others might avoid the same mistake.

I was going to argue, but the stats support you. If it is pneumonia, she should be fine.