
Now the right thing to do is to call it a “2nd Amendment remedy” while being white. No investigation, no problem!

Good, make every last damned one of them uncomfortable everywhere every day of the week for supporting that s.o.b.

I think it’s Audi. Or might be Mazda? Mazda is starting to look a little like Audi inside these days, which I’m fine with bc I think Audi has the best interior design going.

I’m missing something. I only saw two cars wreck. Some little green econo-box and a Z4.

If you can find yourself an M, then JUMP at it! I love mine. I bought it 3 years old in 2010. I’ve only had to do one major repair, which is preventable with proper storage. If the convertibles are parked outside often, then tree needles and leaves can clog up the water drainage tubes in the area the top folds into.

To each their own, but I just don’t get it. At that price I DEFINITELY don’t get it. $42k will buy you a LOT of quality, modern automotive technology. A Marauder was never intended to be a museum piece. You drive it and care for it until it eventually dies. Then maybe you care for it some more. But you don’t

So nobody in this whole situation had the presence of mind to think that maybe, just maybe, raining over 200 rockets down over a number of communities carried a higher overall risk than allowing one unarmed plane to fall from the sky?

It’s so painfully simple. Pass or move over. A or B.

I was gonna ask. It looks an awful lot like East Bay but I couldn’t figure it out.


It’s not hard to figure out... to incentivize certain behaviors. Want to use it? Carpool.

Not even for a quarter of that price.

Everyone’s entitled to opinions and preferences. Much of the grumbling about this comes off to me as grumbling for grumbling’s sake. I haven’t heard any tangible critiques that offer up and real reasons to hate it other than it’s new and different. I think it deserves a chance. I personally kind of like the minimalism

Limitless narcissism, boorish ploys for attention, insecurity masked by mimed extrovert behavior, childish and selfish inability to comprehend that his actions affect other people. He’s the perfect spokesperson for the selfie cohort of his generation.

My personal tastes pretty much directly contradict yours. To each their own. There are times I want power, and I won’t be satisfied with a car that can’t play at that when I want it.

I like Subies and I’d consider buying one at some point, but I just cannot get past how grossly underpowered they are. If I do buy one it’d be a low-cost bugeye that could be tuned to something around 300hp, but good luck finding one of those that isn’t already beaten to shit. I’d want the go-anywhere versatility, but

I’m SO over carbon copy douchebag car channels on youtube. Virgins in Vehicles and that spoilt dark-haired rich kid (who claims he’s an entrepreneur) and his brother that bought the Ferrari (and Viper) finally killed any of those for me. I guess it’s exemplary of most shit on Youtube these days regardless. Same

It would be interesting to know the reasons why something like this was decided against. Seems like the airbag could re-arm when the car rolls in either direction. But to your point, I realize that for every “yeah, but” I come up with there were probably 10 design meetings on the topic.

Surely they could build in a secondary defeat circuit on them? An airbag could not deploy unless a certain circuit on the airbag unit is completed. In normal mode, the car completes this circuit allowing the bag to deploy in the event of a crash. A defeat switch in the car would open this circuit on the airbag unit,

Why is he getting all torn up about something this vanilla? When I was 20 I would not have given af if people had issues with a fetish of mine. Their problem, not mine. You’re 20, it’s time to stop being bothered by playground teasing.