
Some say it’s gauche to speak ill of the dead. I say, fuck that. She was an evil cunt who should have died decades ago and I’m happy she’s finally gone. I almost wish she could have lasted another two months so she could see a woman elected president, but no - every day of earth without her on it is better than than

I find it unseemly to dance on the graves of your opponents, but what the hell, I’ve got 3 daughters:

I remember what a horrid monster she was in life. Had a gay son, spoke out against gay “lifestyle.” Claimed women should stay home, worked outside the home her whole life. I don’t actually think she believed in anything, but knew how to make money off of hate and prejudice.

Wild dogs deserve better

I’m not a fan of dancing on people’s graves, but this is still better than college football highlights.

I honestly don’t get her and people liked her (Scalia, etc.). I get the desire to promote your personal, often religious values because you think it’s best for others. It’s a bit misguided, patriarchal, etc., but at least your heart is (generally) in the right place.

I’m not certain how to respond.

To perhaps misquote Bette Davis upon hearing of Joan Crawford’s death: One should never speak ill of the dead. She’s dead. Good.

I used to drive through a few places like that when I commuted a couple of days each week to teach on the res in Gallup.

I’m really happy that the kids have been taken away from these awful shit heaps but I’m sad that this will be ignored by our government because why try to combat the conditions that allow for this to exist. Nah just scatter the children into an overburdened system and bring more bodies to the prison money machine

You can know things and still go completely off the rails as a young person because you don’t yet have a solid identity or a sense of consequences. Then if you go looking for identity or belonging with a cult or gang, you might behave in a way that is totally unrecognizable to your adult self, especially if given a

Another thing is that, in most civilized nations, a life sentence is impossible, and 25 years is usually the maximum. Of course in those countries rehabilitation is a priority and troubled people exit prison far more capable of being a productive citizen. I just don't see the point of keeping her in. I also don't see

This one is personal. My production company interviewed her for a piece we did, on her experiences working on the shipyards in an “auxiliary local” which was a segregated part of the labor union. Recently the president of that union formally apologized to her at a ceremony which was truly powerful and cathartic for

She sounds incredible. I find her especially badass and inspiring since I wanted to be a park ranger when I was a little girl. I’ve gone a different way, but if Betty could start when she was 85 and now in her 90s experience such a shitty thing and be ready to get back to work anyway... goddamn, Betty’s my new hero.


My parents love me. They will love me no matter what. They would come visit me in jail. They would not defend me raping somebody.

I’m always watching out for other peoples’ kids in public. It’s maternal instinct. I couldn’t help it if I tried.

I haven’t encountered too many “creepers on women” scenarios, but I’d be watching and doing something, if I had.

There was a young “couple”, though, in Toronto, a few years back. On a subway platform, with

I wish there were some way to prevent men doing this,

Thanks for this. It is so hard for people (like my husband) with toxic or otherwise unloving/unstable mothers (or fathers) because people always assume there’s something wrong with you or you’re not a nice person if you don’t speak to one of your parents. My poor husband’s mom is a monster. Like, for real. Growing up