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    @92BuickLeSabre: My thoughts too. He's kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel for bitter-but-hilarious nuances of life.

    Oh thank the lord, I can finally subscribe to Truckin' Magazine.

    No one else appreciates this was written by Jesus?

    @AreWeThereYeti: What is an idea, after all, but a culmination of outside influences and nuances?

    Why don't they put letters on the numbers- like a phone number pad?

    @Ayepecks: A friend keeps enthusing about V-moda Vibe earbuds to me.

    Plastic chopsticks make picking up food so hard...

    @techynottreky: I always thought No. 2's were the same as 2B's? Hardest pencil I've ever used would be a 12B.

    I've noticed that pretty much every single tablet laptop/tablet has a crappy processor. Even the most expensive ones. Any reason why?

    Anyone who reads Gizmodo doesn't need to read this.

    Upskir..what? Not appropriate?

    What the....I download torrents at 200kbps, max. Cry.

    @acidrain69: My own two cents- heirlooms are worth as much as or more than they were when they were considered modern (think an antique teapot, silver hand mirror, ivory hair brush, etc.). Nostalgia is oftentimes

    @ThaMofo: Personally I'm a fan of the Nokia response. Solely because they included the phrase "thousands of man hours".

    @MacAttack: The Passionfruit of the Christ.

    @Nick: And yours is terrible.