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    Over the past 2-3 years I've watched Jezebel (and all Gawker Media) slowly become a contradiction of flimsy sensationalist journalism. Sad.

    " There are NO great whites in Irish waters. Its probably a juvenile basking shark which feed on plankton and are harmless. " -Youtube comments

    This might have gotten alot of people talking, sure, but what are we talking about? The legality of gay marriage, or how women went topless and wrote pro-gay phrases on their breasts?


    Check out makeupalley.com :) Great and friendly community of makeup lovers; find reviews on products and get tips!

    I just have one thing to ask those women who swear they only wear makeup "for themselves" : Let's say you're alone at home, wake up and you're snowed in from going to work or leaving the house and no one else will possibly see you for the rest of the day. Are you still going to put on makeup?

    Sure, but isn't this entrapment?

    Well now we know who the inventor really was...

    Such a skeptic, what a classic Capricorn move.

    @willyolio: And probably because 13 is an unlucky number. So, you know, we can't even think about THAT NUMBER. In fact, I'm going to blame everything bad that happens to me for the next week on the fact that I even typed out one-three up there. That and my horoscope.

    @Killjoy: Not to beat the dead horse of this thread, but I still say that light and heat are different things that can't be substituted for one another. Heat is a byproduct of energy converted to light; you can see light with your eyes and only your eyes; you can feel heat with your nerves (...in your skin, and

    @Killjoy: Good point- but then, you're feeling the heat, not the light, right? Definitely two different things.

    @Killjoy: I haven't, have you? I have to say I don't think I would be. If the flashlight didn't produce heat, I would bet money that, if a controlled study was performed, the rate of correct guesses would not be significantly higher or lower than 50%.

    @project_4: True, but that's just the UV-B rays reacting with 7-Dehydrocholesterol in your skin, converting to vitamin D. It has nothing to do with the presence of actual visible light.

    @qbrad: How does our skin monitor light? I don't know about you, but if I was blindfolded and you shone a flashlight on one of my hands, I wouldn't be able to tell you which hand it was. Skin doesn't really 'monitor' anything; our nerve endings are sensitive to pressure (touch), but you can't feel light.

    I've always used "Sincerely,"- is that a taboo or an informality I've never been aware of? I've always read that "Best," is recommended for work-related things, but I'd feel weird if I had an email chain with someone and we both used the same sign-off.

    @lamagnumrt: How much do I have to pay you to buy / rob that entire case for me?

    @Homer Berkowitz: Yeah, I'm going to "dispose of [all my] devices not capable of this new format, and [buy all] new ones."

    @ps61318: I bow down. Ravage me.