
Go eat a big spoonful of that clay and tell me it’s not rich as sin.

That’s really not an issue. In something like a game console where you’re not constantly writing small bits of data, wear leveling will take care of things.  Unless you’re constantly writing data to the whole drive, and I’m talking way way more than any game player is likely to be, we’ll be at the next generation

Really like that they will focus on backwards compatibility. I have both Xbone and Ps4 and primarily play on the latter, but I love how many older games I can play on the former. Replay all of Dragon Age and Mass Effect recently and just started an Lost Odyssey playthrough.

Even if it’s my favorite thing I will actively boycott any company that does this. Hell no.

charged with [...] the nonviolent resistance of an officer

There’s a huge difference, though, between “Religion is a key throughline” and “A divine being is actively directing the major events of the series in a way that is essentially magic.” After all, religious belief of one kind or another is a key throughline for a lot of people in the real world as well, but we don’t

Leftovers was outstanding

If you really want to improve the quality, send tips and contribute to T.A.Y.. Insulting the writer directly (who isn’t in charge of editorial) doesn’t do anything other than put out an obvious public flex, albeit an anonymous one. Put yourself in their shoes, and be constructive rather than mean. It’s basic human

(Mineralblu takes most of our pictures, at least at cons, because we pay him to)

Help me out...correct me if I’m wrong, my takeaway is someone took a shot of a photo in the Knowles-Carter home that was meant to be private? If this is true, why are you reposting it?!?

So your counter argument is that Fox news is evil. We got it, I have that t-shirt. However a good portion of this country only watches Fox News, and they have kids, and not all of them are brainwashed yet.

I don’t know, I keep trying to imagine Trump eating a piece of fruit, and it’s just not happening.

“A caddy tells Reilly that Trump’s golf cart once contained a can of red spray paint, and that Trump marked trees his balls hit with a red ‘X,’” Curtis writes. “The trees were removed the next day.”

Glad these people came forward but can’t say I’m surprised that yet another game whose target market are children and teens is infested with “cool guy/gal” 20 somethings and older who are in fact nonces and abusers.

Part of it is the unknown factor. Many people would be capable of turning in a relative for a crime they know about, but it would still be a hard thing. But turning them in for the unknown, or even for something that hasn’t happened yet, might give them pause. They don’t know, and don’t want to know, if their loved

I found the bootlicking fascist!

Counter-Counterpoint: It looks awful.

I will wait to test my DNA until there is a company that tests, sends me the results and then deletes all information from their databases. Why would anyone pay to have their DNA used for profit and given to the government?

She’s right to be. Law enforcement is incredibly sloppy with forensic science. 

I don’t blame her. This industry is still in it’s infancy. Who knows what people can do in the future if they get a hold of your DNA? Imagine a data breach in one of these companies and everyone’s DNA is sold on the black market. Years later insurance companies can dig this up and increase your rates based on genetic