
I understand what you are saying, but a great many people truly enjoy spending time creating an interesting character at the start of a game that could take 100 hours to play through.

Oh my goodness, no. I get so much personal enjoyment out of character-tweaking (Behave) that I can spend at least an hour or more creating a new one every time there’s a new game, or when I go back to an old favourite.

If I don’t know exactly what something does during a game, it’s something I can find out. If

They forgot to turn left.

Quail Earnhardt 

You can’t be serious.

They most certainly have that right.

Given everything we read during the BL3 pre-release, I honestly thought this would be the line in the sand for gamers. Just about everything coming from either 2K or Randy was this perfect storm of everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of

God. Look, it may have gone off the rails at the end of the series (even though it was still incredibly well-acted), but when it first started airing, Battlestar Galactica was some of the best television ever, anchored by two of the best actors, Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell. Sure, it’s been ten years since it

Using a nitro stout faucet absolutely changes the texture and flavor of the coffee, just as it does when using it for beer.

I guarantee you there’s far fewer deaths in our “concentration camps” than would have other wised perished under the care of their “parents”. 

Nope. Bey over Bay.

I play co-ed rec league softball, but it’s typically kids in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. For the first time last night we faced a batter in his 60s, and we could not for the life of us get that old fucker out. He probably looked out at the field and thought Imma splash these whippersnapper motherfuckers, because he put

Think about how integrated Far From Home’s Spider-Man was in the MCU. From his suit, to the villains, to Happy Hogan and Aunt May. It would be incredibly strange tonally to just shut all that off. 

Or any of the Stark suits, references to past events, Nick Fury, SHIELD, Happy Hogan, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Spider-verse may be an exception to the rule. Venom only made bank because international box office. I'm very curious to see how cocky Sony is if and when Morbius bombs.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. I live in Texas, not far from this school district. This is not the way it’s done. Most teachers and administrators know they are not allowed to touch the students, let alone write on them with Sharpies. In fact, in my experience, they are beyond dedicated to that standard.

Uh, yeah. Around here you can’t touch a child without notifying the parents first, unless it’s an emergency/self defense sort of situation. If a teacher has a problem with the student’s dress, the student is sent to the administrative office and the parents are called. The end.

So what’s the point of requiring a emergency contact, etc. for a student if you don’t use the fucking info when you need to? Shouldn’t there be a phone call made to say, “Hey, you child’s haircut doesn’t adhere to our standards. It needs to be taken care of.” Whether the standard is right or wrong, the call needs to

Well the A-10 wouldn’t be used in a first wave type situation. Stealth fighters and bombers knock out the bulk of the enemy electronics, radar’s and such, then troops move in with A-10 in a support role. I don’t think there is much that would make an enemy shit there pants faster than to hear