
Anyone else get a Zathras (Babylon 5) vibe off of the Master in disguise?

And Doctor Who number seven.

Nice cameo from Toronto City Hall.

I watched this episode kind of wishing Hoon Lee's Banshee character was talking to Danny instead of this one.

Well that too, but they have offered cash prizes for proof of evolution on a number of occasions.

Creationists have played this same game for a long time. It involves always finding ways to avoid actually giving out the prize.

It is really, really boring in a way the first one wasn't. If it was at least fun it would be easier to overlook be problems.

Up until reading this review I apparently had Gareth Edwards and Gareth Evans mixed up. I was really looking forward to a Star Wars film from the director of "The Raid." I partially blame the Raid actor cameos in Force Awakens.

Bill Nighy was also Sam in the BBC radio play of Lord of the Rings.

Was anyone else hoping for a recreation of the wasp factory from the novel of the same name?

I believe Gilliam was hired to direct 12 Monkeys and the initial script (which was definitely based on "La Jetee") had already been written before he joined the project. So he needn't have watched it first for the credit to make sense.

He will always be Pierre Trudeau to me.

Unless Edgar Wright is involved, only cautious optimism is permitted.

Thanks. I didn't know that. Another example of various law enforcement agencies in LA being too friendly with the CoS.

I assume more plaintiff-friendly libel laws and a smaller market made the risk:reward ratio too low for the publisher.

While all Scientology statements have "Karin Pouw" on them, their actual authorship is uncertain. They are always written statements and no journalist has talked to a Scientology spokesperson — either on camera or even on the phone — in a number of years. I think Tommy Davis was the last spokesperson to actually talk

She most likely is alive. Though it is worth noting that the LAPD detective who said he spoke with her declined to answer when asked whether or not he was able to talk to her on her own.

Jerry Seinfeld was involved at one point, though I believe he says he was never actually a member.

If religious organizations were subject to the same kind of financial oversight as other tax-exempt organizations Scientology (and other groups that are religious-themed commercial enterprises) would not be able to carry on in the manner it currently does.

Criminal voyeurism. In some states it will get you classified as a sex offender.