
Wll, I'm an idiot then because I love Tan

I reject the assumption that “bonded for life” means you have to have like... a daily friendship exchange with someone. I’m bonded for life with people I haven’t talked to in years. There are strangers I’ve met out at a bar that I feel like I bonded to for life even though I’ve never seen them again.

I think there is power to imaginary friendships. While Queer Eye is obviously a TV show with its own plot devices, a form of shallow self help consumerism, archetypes, and fictional tropes, I find when I watch it - I feel a real emotional release. This may indicate to some degree I have absence of meaningful

Perhaps we’re commenting on different stories. This one is about an 11 year boy who was kidnapped and missing for 30 years until police were led to his remains by a sex offender.

Thieves can pay restitution. It can be argued that they steal out of necessity.

I believe that sex offender registration and punishment is flawed, there are many people who are screwed over for life based on a technicality (like the 19 year old who met up with a 14 year old for sex, and he was punished even though she said she was 17, and she was on a dating site or app she was really too young

You’re on a post about a little boy who was raped and murdered and you’re most worried about internet commenters saying mean things about convicted sex offenders?

So you’re equating stealing with kidnapping, rape and murder? There are a handful of crimes that society can’t be expected to take someone back after they’ve committed them. Throw away the key or execute them. Either way, they shouldn’t be free.

Yeah, I really think that it goes against common sense that it would be easier to rehabilitate a pedophile than say, a drug dealer or a robber. Not that we should just give up on rehabilitating pedophiles, but to say they reoffend less when their behavior stems from a sexual compulsion?

Are they really less likely to reoffend? Or just less likely to get caught a second time? How many offenses will they commit before they get caught the first time?

Sex offender laws too harsh eh

Heinrich had previously pleaded guilty to 25 federal child pornography charges, but denied any involvement in Wetterling’s disappearance.

My son is painfully self aware. He asked me if I wished he hadn’t been born. Or born a “different kid without autism”. Holy crap, dude. Yeah, if I had a magic wand, I’d take it away because I see how he struggles to keep up with his peers and it’s heartbreaking. So “high functioning” is a label made up by people who

Fuck this asshole, indeed.

I didn’t like the insinuation before my daughter was born and now it makes me so angry. I find it so insulting that someone would rather have a dead child than an autistic child. People on the spectrum are wonderful, intelligent humans who can and do live fulfilling lives. It breaks my heart that there are children

As an adult with ASD, thank you for loving your child for who she is. I mean it.

Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it

I was observing testimony for work once and was behind a couple I assumed to be the victim’s parents. Could hear every reaction they had, sobs, sighs, etc. It was so sad. The mother got up and left at one point, I think during the medical examiner’s testimony.

I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often tbh. I hear about the awful crimes some people commit and wonder how the victims’ families can keep their composure in the courtroom. So awful.

I’ve decided that I’m not voting for Sanders if he wins the primary, but that’s not really a concern because he would have to win by numbers way over the margin in the remaining primaries to catch up in pledged delegates. He has to win Wisconsin by double digits today just to cut into her delegate lead. Even if he did