
The events in End of Time happened outside of the timelock on Gallifrey's side (early in Day of the Doctor: "the high council has cut themselves off / their plan has already failed"). Here's the two transcripts, they reference each other ("He still possesses the Moment") and align fairly well: http://www.chakoteya.net/

That's not how I read it. At Lake Silencio, the Doctor cheats a fixed point by making sure that what actually happens is not what everyone sees happening. River's attempt to cheat continuity outright causes time to break down entirely (pyramids at area 52, woohoo) and she is forced to go through with it. Going by

I understood the quick macro shots were a way of showing the confusion and disorientation in a warzone. There were a few more with Billie Piper saying "no more!" and being silly, which is understandable: a time-spanning intelligence that consorts with talking meat wouldn't take itself too seriously.

They are referenced a bit: the eleventh hour (with quite a few clocks showing eleven), Tennant, little cues when there are countdowns and the doctor voices his name.