
I know it’s an anime, but Cowboy Bebop really deserves to be on this list. Even non-anime fans will enjoy this one a ton.

To meet the Internet’s daily clickbait quota.

Some good points. I would disagree with the fact that you can’t fit as many of them as normal boots (Ayy) however, for a couple reasons. First, I don’t think that space is as big as you think it is. Second, you could fit more in the space given, either by stacking them higher, or laying a few on their sides on either

I did the same, but personally I found I funnier the second time. The fact that the driver is enough of a jerk to flip someone off, but then had to profusely thank the rider after realizing he had his wallet was great. Either way, guy kind of deserved it.

Symbra, you say?

I must say, the port-a-potty really adds to the composition of the photo.

The Penny Arcade cartoon makes slightly more sense if you read the preceding cartoon. Slighty.

I only regret that I have but one star to give to your post. Well done sir.

In most newer games, game speed and frame rate are independent of each other, as developers have opted to implement frame skipping. In many older games however, the game will slow down if the frame rate takes a hit, and speed up if the framerate were uncapped and the system had power to spare. Considering the devs

Mah boy, this yogurt is what all true warriors strive for.

Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey...


Hideo Stark.

I, for one, welcome our new Vocaloid overlords.

Of all the Companions, she certainly has the best eyebrow game.

Happiest Place on earth.

A 750 Ti will run that combo at about 30-35 FPS easily. If you get only 7 FPS with shaders, stop using the iGPU and get a real GPU.

Also that water starter clearly has the face/snout of a Totodile and the body of a Heliolisk.