Shemar Fourreur

Totally objective first-hand evidence, thanks!

Don’t worry, you will not be living on this planet once it is completely over-run by ‘groids.

Wow, well I’m glad that you have actually seen Hitler’s penis. Thanks!

It totally confirms that they do because they are so obsessed with their own hoax of victimization. Kind of like the vast majority of Jezebel contributors and readers! :)

Hannah “Hook-Nose” Gold huh...not-biased at all, I’m sure. Given that there’s like 6,000 of them in the whole of MT, isn’t it safe to say that it’s the local ZOG franchise that’s threatening the White community there? I mean, they are harassing Spencer’s mother and extorting her through their “humanitarian” BS and

Hey baby, I show you a full snake...HaH! J/K, fo’ real though, is that photograph accompanying the picture the actual snapshot from the woman’s home or a decorative image? The golden motif makes me think it is too aesthetically coordinated to be spontaneous.

Is the one on the left asking for a rhinoplasty?