
Isn’t there a pizza joint at Trump Tower in NY?

And private jets. Don’t forget about the private jets.

Did Epstein teach you nothing? 

I mean....if it doesn’t happen before the Southern Primaries, Biden’s got the nomination on lock. 

I’m sure you’d see some movement with either’s supporters depending on who dropped out. But if this family of sites is any sort of sample pool, it’d flow more from Liz to Bernie than the other way around. At least from the anecdata I’ve read over the years.

I would pay to watch that. We could retire a chunk of the National Debt.

Why, it’s almost as if the stuff about being a “multi-lingual architect supermodel” was just made-up nonsense!

Yes they do, and they know you’re not supposed to tell anyone about it or it won’t come true when Santa Claus comes next year!

You’d think after several decades in the US her command of English would be better. Isn’t that one of the things her husband demands of immigrants?

I don’t think they know what a resolution is.

I hope they check for kindness when they do his autopsy

Prisons should be payed *on top of* the wage paid to the worker. Paying themselves out of a legally mandated minimum wage is ??? big brain evil

Tax credits are great & all, but EV adoption is never going to really take off until there’s a charging solution for renters.


Call it The End of Skywalker... because there ain't no Skywalkers left at the end of this.

Thanks Captain Obvious

No surprise there. It is still better alternative to smoking.

Trump (of courte bankrupcy) has got a sketch of this splendid tartan, three polyestewr stryps upon ain fylde of pisse