seysmebitches has him at 41.2%, which is actually lower than his usual support level.

What department was he head of again? Commerce? Education?  Eh, I just can’t remember.

I’m really not this cynical usually, but the Trump-trained horse-race reality-show part of my brain is saying that the writing was on the wall and the health issue was the only way for Bernie to step out of the race without bitterness about it bleeding over into Warren’s campaign and possibly making the race between

Warren is now within 1-2 points of Biden nationally and has either overtaken him or is statistically tied with him in several states with early caucuses and primaries.  She can only improve if Bernie ends up dropping out due to health concerns, so it’s looking pretty good for her right now.

The Democrats are 99% stupid themselves.

LOL, Trump is going insane on Twitter demanding to meet his accuser AND the people who gave them the information. He’s going to completely melt down (even more so than usual) by the end of this whole thing.

I’m amazed that they think that this waving papers around business works (or maybe it does on the Trubes), but everyone from Trump on down in the administration tries it at one time or another. It’s almost the last act of a desperate man, just throw papers with legalese on them and hope the problem goes away on its

The resemblance is actually quite uncanny.

Once the heat on Trump can be measured at several hundred on the Kelvin scale, everyone involved will all be joining him under that bus, Rudy first. He can’t help but shed off all dead weight when the pressure is on, and Rudy is nothing if not dead (or maybe undead).

Of all people, I would think Trump might be a little worried about what could happen if we bring back execution for treasonous acts as a regular occurrence.

With a name like Whistle, that kid’s gotta be a Palin!

Of course, everyone knows that’s called “hacking the mainframe”.

Pepperidge Farms don’t even remember that shit anymore.

Just as an aside, the ten-year-old that lives inside of me is so happy that “duh” is making a comeback.

Yup.  You can even see it on the graph a few months back where she grabbed a lot of Biden’s thunder from the debate and then immediately lost it due to backtracking and general mealy-mouthedness.

Perhaps, at least as far as who will get the nomination in the end. But it does speak to national sentiment and growth of name recognition, which no one else has really experienced except for Warren. Plus this very article shows that she is gaining major ground in an initial primary state as well.

Check out this graph:

Why does nobody ever ask for Squee’s opinion?

Aaaaand another black market created, which will make this particular situation much, MUCH worse.  Good job, e-cig nuts!