The thieves used fake names, but would be captured when the cops turned on anti-aliasing.
Should have left off the probably. They are the ones with access to the DMV databases in their vehicles when they stop people; of course they used it to look up the plates of every car in the area to find out who the protesters are.
and the Lord Jesus spoke: “ye, if thou hast a rockin bod, make yon ducats on the site only for fans, my child! dolla, dolla bills, ye all!”
so source code is a weird grey area, technically you have copyright to source code but because they are instructions for the computer rather than a literary work for a human most courts deny copyright and instead favor trade secret / patents for controlling source code. in other words like the gta 3 source code here,…
public domain gets extended every time Mickey Mouse would get close to public domain. the mouse can afford a lot better lawyers and lobbyists than us.
I’m sorry, but the Cyberpunk hate dogpile is getting out of hand. Yes the base PS4 version isn’t the best it could have been, but it was NOT so bad it needed to get pulled off the PSN store. They didn’t pull Assassin’s Creed Unity or Fallout 76 and both were MUCH worse off. Not to mention Tony Hawk 5.
And I’m sure the amount of money this game has made those platforms through the predatory microtransactions has NOTHING to do with those awards.
This had better feature the main assassin character stuffing a dozen bodies into the same pile/cart of hay without it changing size
You miss AOC streaming Among Us? Cuz it feels like there's more gamers in congress than you think
Yeah, he’s definitely in a bunch of high-risk groups: old, obese, low-income.
I started playing Yakuza for the first time every a few weeks back (Yakuza 0) and man am I sad I missed out on so much good fun. It’s quickly becoming one of my favorite games in years.... at this point, I’ll take any Yakuza entertainment!
Reason number 256034 I won’t be buying an Xbox:
She’s probably a cop’s wife.
The Candystand mini golf games are on there.
There are two problems with Stadia.
There’s a perk you can take that gives you bonus damage while affected by debuffs. It can help compensate for the penalties you take while hanging around SAM.
Now THAT’S hilarious. I turned down basically all flaws except “Permanent Concussion,” but I did sorta accidentally roll an idiot savant character. I could hack damn near anything, lie and persuade almost anyone, and...always had the “dumb” option in my dialog, which will net you some funny, condescending responses,…
I hope the final design does not in fact look like a cyborg neck pillow.