
This is exactly why I’ve long worried that putting the most vulnerable women and children in the crypts of Winterfell, where they’ll be surrounded by the dead bodies of their loved ones like Ned Stark “to keep them safe,” miiiiight not be the greatest idea ever.

Does anyone think that the White walkers are going to pull a move like Rob did at the twins? I am almost willing to bet that when Winterfell gets attached ...there won’t be any night’s king or undead dragon with them, and it will be a smaller chunk of the undead....the good guys will barely survive (not all)....only

I thought Davos serving soup was sweet, and the child with the burn on her face reminding him of Shireen may have been saccharine, but it worked for me.

They want to pay slave games? Let’s play Haitian Revolution.

I’ve commented on this here before, but to me the greatest tragedy with Andromeda is that you can sense they were figuring things out as over the game development and it has incredibly strong story mission design while also doing some really fun world building. It’s weakest part is the open world exploring which also

Thank you! Andromeda is by no means perfect, but it was a way better game than people gave it credit for.  The companions, and exploration was fun as hell.

I bought Andromeda after the major patch for it had been released, and I was expecting to encounter a horrible, horrible game—bad music, bad audio, bad gameplay, dialogue, story, etc.

All I know is that they’re talking about spinning up a new Mass Effect game - I think they’ve been pretty public with hints about that, too.

following the disappointing Mass Effect: Andromeda but has since been warmed back up

Mike You are going all about this the wrong way. Please for the love of god play the emulated version called Project 1999, that is the original/best form of the the game (think of vanilla WoW). Although the game has not aged well the charm of the older graphics prevails and has not been tarnished by a half-assed

when I think of EQ, 3 things will forever come to mind.

Actually the other major reason for redactions is to protect the identities of people interviewed or discussed who haven’t been accused of any wrongdoing. You’d never get anyone to voluntarily talk to an independent counsel if their name was going to be plastered all over as being associated with someone else’s

The problem is that Puerto Rico is part of one of those shithole countries. You know, the ones dominated by religious nutjobs, without modern healthcare

In short: Mueller fucked us did his job.

That’s the face of a man who knows his father in law wants to bang his wife, but can’t do anything about it because of the Secret Service.

Of course the officer failed to mention that the weed he smelled was from his drop stash. 

Thank you Michael Harriot,,,,my daughter did not and does not deserve this,,,she was a child,,,just turned 19,,,, was not suicidal,, actually was on her way home that day, leaving him and ready to get her life back in order. I have texts from her and findings on her person support that. Someone did not want her coming

He’s going to be crushed during discovery when he finds out that the Devin Nunes’ Mom account is real.

So, since Lori Loughlin is involved, is it fair to say that this scandal is everywhere you look?

“Not real long, but he’s real straight and real consistent. So he’s always in play.”