a true fact is that American Girl is one of the best songs ever written, I’m going to listen to it and cry now
a true fact is that American Girl is one of the best songs ever written, I’m going to listen to it and cry now
Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.
It feels counterintuitive to suggest that straight black men as a whole possess any sort of privilege.
If white liberals ever wonder why minorities are so hard on their “allies” at times, this is the PERFECT example of why that is.
This white person jumped over “sketchy” right onto “terrifying”!!
Alaska Rep. Don Young, a curmudgeonly strip mall Santa Claus imitator, is the latest dude in Congress to prove he…
And yet somewhere in the bowels of the RNC HQ (fig. 1), I guarantee Betsy DeVos is furiously writing a proposal to hire her dipshit brother’s mercenaries to stand at the end of the lunch lines, slapping trays out of the hands of 8-year olds and handing them bootstraps. Because we live in garbage times now.
As always, there’s a David Sedaris story that relates:
Last week, Vice News released a 22-minute documentary of the militant white men who descended upon Charlottesville…
To be completely honest. I think his mother is a common example of older white women who have biracial children. Sleeping with Black men was something she “experimented” with back in the day. That resulted in two children...but ultimately, who she slept with didn’t change who she is and has always been...another white…
I know it’s not shocking, but it’s heartbreaking to hear someone talk about how their own mother chose whiteness over their children. And wanting to take you to a step-family’s Thanksgiving? Just gross.
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.
Good morning PJ. I had a similar relationship with my best friend’s mother until, for my own mental sanity I had to cut her off. My best friend is white and I am black and I am the godmother her children (if the unthinkable happens, my BFF wants me - and not any one in her family - to take care of her kids, lawyers…
I posted this on another thread, but I think a lot of it bears repeating. The justification for tearing down these statues lies in the reality of the Confederacy and how it began.
This is even more obvious when you consider that many of them were erected, not after the civil war, but in response to various civil rights demonstrations throughout the early and mid 1900's as a blatent threat to African Americans and promise to stay committed to white supremacy.
The nazi apologists are out in full force today. I have seen countless comments today saying “both sides suck” “antifa is just as bad”.
Lush was one of the best bands of the 1990s, and certainly the best shoegaze band of that era. Led by inimitable…
Same, friend, same. I was watching a “try not to laugh” challenge with my family and we just about lost it when screaming goats singing Let It Go came on.
This guy looks exactly like what you would expect a derp-a-derp ICE agent to look like.