harvey birdman

Oh silly white person! Sometimes a spade really is just a spade.

Ugh. Register to vote. Be a Big Brother/Big Sister. Channel your energy toward something productive. This ain't it. Shame on you.

But why would you begrudge anyone reaching a conclusion based on what they/we have seen on tv? Are you suggesting that anyone sitting down to reality tv has a duty to disregard the plain meaning of what is spelled out for us? I don't watch reality tv to log hours toward a PhD. I think it is logical to assume that

Mark, you are better than this.

"Right," said Fred.

Egg Man is ignorant. Better?

Yaaaass, honey!


Is it just me, or is Ms. Simone channeling Baby Jane Hudson?

They want everyone to know it's not just lonely old dudes that use sex dolls. Why do they want everyone to know this?

Not new. Not even freshly old.

Adrian Peterson?

The lede should have read: "Poster Girl For Narcissistic Personality Disorder Carries Her New Favorite Clutch!"

Because I do not trust that KK has knowledge of anything other than how she looks at every angle.

I find North's shirt sad b/c it suggests to me that KK is carrying her daughter around as just another accessory. Given KK's mad love for herself I have difficulty finding the cuteness in this picture. I worry about this little girl's future. :(

Hey fuckface,

You seem very unhappy. Put down your boxing gloves and your outlook will change.

I am surprised and disappointed that so many below fed the troll.


The thing about statutory rape is that none of the circumstances matter. Statute in this case demands that adults are not allowed to have sex with even the the sexiest of children under the age of 16. I find it very disturbing that the judge and counselare still trying to argue facts. This guy had sex with a child