
He used to be known as the Happy Videogame Nerd.

The news hit this morning from an official Disney statement (preceded by a video that could've been a hint months ago) which also notes that the cast of characters from the original late '80s cartoon series will be showing up:

If we're thinking about things according to game release dates and not Zelda Universe time lines, then there's been a hand in the toilet before, among other strange bathroom related things. We don't know why there is a hand called ??? residing in toilets at the Stock Pott Inn, nor would we like to imagine what's

Oh, I didn't mind Due Date. It was a largely forgettable, but ultimately inoffensive film.

I wonder if I'll be able to down the resolution on the consumer model. If I wanna play on a 1366x768 resolution, will I be able to?

That's ridiculous.

I lost it at "You're gonna have to answer for what you've done..."

Ok, how did you do that? It's beautiful.

My girlfriend also thought Cars 2 was somewhat good.

And that gif is STILL hilarious.