
IF the taillights are completely stock, and legal according to DOT standards.

Hahaha, what type of "herbs" are we talking here? Is this an article that High Times would link to?

@Fodder650: They have medication for double posts now.

@eaglescout1984: Team Gulp would be a great name for a porn site featuring many, many swallows.

Eating trumps shelter and job comfort after about three days of drinking only tap water.

@LuckyChuck: As long as there are magnificent Ta-Tas @ work, it shall be worth arriving !

Uh, that pretty much includes each and every one of your wives. Unless you're really into midgets... not that there's anything wrong with that.

So what you're saying is that the (Mormon) Church of Latter Day Saints is working on a machine to catch gays and unbelievers. So they can persecute them into committing suicide just like Moroni and Joe Smith intended!

@DustyButt: 60% accuracy for women, 90% for men. For a real test, toss it to your token transgendered friend.

Sometimes I like to sit on my left hand for awhile until if falls asleep, then use the remote.

Also, see that dark bulge? Seems Greece's crushing debtload is visible from space!

A very uncomfortable place, eh, "What? You mean like the back of a Volkswagen?

HEY! What did White Anglo-Saxon Protestants ever do to YOU?!?!?

"Bowties are cool!" -The Doctor