@G-stylez: Sure. Has NOTHING to do with the battery being low, the screen being on, and perhaps the antenna power being reduced to compensate for the dying battery.
@G-stylez: Sure. Has NOTHING to do with the battery being low, the screen being on, and perhaps the antenna power being reduced to compensate for the dying battery.
@powermatic: Star/=CotD
@AustinMiniMan: I swear this has never happened to me before...
@AustinMiniMan: I've asked before on a weekend.
@AustinMiniMan: Doesn't work. Plus, no CotD on weekends dude. Try harder during the week.
Why can't we save the trees cause a little love can make a lot of difference don't you know that plants are people too you know it's not too late and I know we'll pull it off if we just pull together no pesticide and no genocide cause we're all on the same side if we all were vegetarians all of the animals would be…
@Roberto G.: That's an old(er) photo of her... or is it.
I have two ideas for awesome Twitter app/things. Does anyone have links or tutorials on how to program for the Twitter API?
Hmm. How come when I complained about this 'Firefox has stopped this site from redirecting you' messages a week or more ago, it wasn't taken more seriously.
So... Red Ink Rick...
@Prismatist steers with his right foot: Short of cutting off their hands and feet there's not much a court can do currently to keep illegal drivers, unlicensed, DUIs, whatever off the road.
@kake81: Dude died in 2008... Methinks you're a bit too late. Or get a Ooija board.
@ppiddy: Uh, SPRINGTIME. Dude, they're just looking to get LAID, that's why they are so polite.
@Buickboy92: The new Ohio ones are FUGLY.
@$kaycog*5000*: Hugs and Kisses to you too, Colorado!
What does oven cleaner do to tile and grout? Can I clean my whole shower/tub with it?
@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: And just for full archival purposes, what is his state-issued license plate number and address?
@zsvdkhnorc hates when his screen name gets outdated: Has she ever tried water aerobics or anything like that? They have wave pools and different things at rec centers/YMCAs that might be bearable and help her lose weight.
@SquareWheel: You couldn't trust Gawker to do it though.
@ronpandolfi: So, basically you want them to put 'Digg' +/- style clicky thing.