
@ronpandolfi: uh, dude, FB bad. Used to be, popular posts + open thread (or maybe I'm thinking were one post.

Okay, seriously, nobody has followed this to its logical conclusion?!?

@TomXP411: Of course, trade in values are always well below what private sellers, or dealers can ask.

He never would have gotten that extra $1000 if the (used) car he was buying wasn't marked up well over that much.

@TehBeardMan: I'd say, use a low-adhesive tape, kinda pull the carpet/push it down with your hand beside the wall, then tape the carpet!

@Phoshi: I can't get in to RSS. CERTAIN sites refuse to deliver their full content, and when I visit, I block all the advertising nastiness anyway when I visit the sites. So I don't know how these sites think it's a win to have an RSS feed that makes you visit the site to RTFA.

@MaxellDVD1: now you're just trolling for a STAR.

I still say it was a dirty ploy to shift Jalopnik commenting over to artificially inflate your Twitter and Facebook fan counts.

@Baby beater Benz: But it's riding high! Because all the stuff is stripped out!

NO NO NO. Don't buy a used car this time of year! Idiots. Tax season is the time of year RIFE with OVERCHARGING!

@sweetmonkey: They'd never catch you, because you'd always disappear. Bullets would evaporate into thin air!

Completely off-topic, but we don't really need you guys doing a twitter-pimping post EVERY DAY.

I always thought GM should have sent all the fugly CHAvalanches over there. So I don't have to be assaulted in the eyes by four-door trucks with uselessly small hauling beds when I'm out driving.

"I gots da MAD tree litres, YO!"

I'm sorry, you're wrong, the cheapest car to insure has got to be a classic car that's easy to work on with an abundant readily available parts supply. As long as you don't use it as a daily driver and can abide by the policy restrictions.

Bah, I'd rather beat the money out of them. -kidding, of course.

Thanks, this will come in handy for PodCamp Cleveland this year, which I'm helping with the planning of, of course.