
@BullittFan_Fords4Life: Uh, dude, "Big-ASS light bulb" might not be a string of 'safe for work' search terms...

@mytdawg: hey, it's the only way I can ensure prompt postal service!

I'm currently warming rechargeable batteries that were in the cold mailbox between my thighs. Maybe they could try that for an hour or so before they want to go anywhere.

@SexCpotatoes: or rather in the same swing, dammit, no COtD for me, I suck

Hey, cut him some slack, it's not often he gets to use an Iron and a Wood on the same shot

Only if said turkeys are bulimic and bonging ethanol.

So what you're really saying is I've been putting out some invites today for no reason.

Hey, I had a couple of these (matchbox style) cars years ago. You could flip them over and there was another car on the bottom side. They were pretty sweet. #conceptcars

@Supraz01: If they are charging you for the 'privilege' of paying with your Visa, I'd go look on Consumerist and find the relevant post (which states this violates the agreement that allows them to process credit card transactions), and get them to waive the fee. But then, it'll only work for that month b/c they'll

I want to know if any of the Twitter Clients offer adjustable text size. I'm sorry but 6 point font on a HDTV you're using as a monitor sucks! I want to blow them up to make the tweets readable, anybody know how I can do that (besides screwing with my resolution every time I want to use Tweet Deck)?

Or you could just invite Adrian Monk over for a visit.

Wait, so reading every comic in one go, until your eyes bleed is not the way to do it?


Great post. I was looking for some reliable proxies to use for flagging ads on craigslist (the ones in the autos section that are just finance scams, etc especially).

Maybe they can buy NUMMI.

$22,000 and up.

So wait, I've got three cars, does that mean I'm allowed to trade them for three wives? Of course this would have to be all be at the same time. Considering how this is happening in Utah (I'd have to move), I think I could get away with it, well, if I had the support of some Fundamentalist Mormons to help hide the

@arsenik: Yes you could if you use free software and make them give you a ride there and back home and unlimited beer while "working."+————————————————————

@Mike Kozak: so did you rape them or did they rape you? I'm too lazy to do the math on it right now.