
I think we are just hard wired to love the potatoes.

Oh, Range Extended Vehicles, I thought REV stood for Real Electric Vehicles, as opposed to Vaporware and Ponzi Schemes.

Wouldn't the supposed "self-addressed, unstamped postcard" come directly back to the "subscriber?"

@aSoundofF*cking: At least you didn't say you were gonna "look up him."

Woohoo, will I get big kisses from muggers when they mug me? Because that would be an amazing side benefit.

@X5SoB, don't need no damn star: Hmmm, you may be onto something here, Scott paper towels makes the buttwipe, A 'full monty' is a slang for 'the whole thing,' So a Scott Monty would reasonably follow to be "Flashing a group of people while covered head-to-toe (excluding genitals) in toilet paper."

@Sqube: perhaps the regular speed limit was 55, and the construction speed limit was 35. Also, around 85% of injuries in construction zones have nothing to do with the drivers passing through them. A mere 15% of worker injuries in construction zones involve motorists passing through. So why all this emphasis on

Do I get any credit for coming up with "Deathhacker"?

This story made me think of the song 'Poppa Loved Momma' by Garth Brooks

@okthere: Quick! We must put the national debt on your card! It's the only way for the country to survive, and just think, we could save billions! Billions I tell you!

Wait until the poor bastards with the tickets see the "fuel surcharge" line on their fines!

@arifali_007: I just got a great deal on one at Newegg. not the Phenom II though, but still, 2.5 ghz of quad core goodness for $9

The car thought it was gonna get lucky. There was supposed to be a hot little Miata waiting for him with a bottle of pink champagne. Can you blame him for that getting his engine racing? It was all a setup though, and now the car's going to the impound lot for raping a house. You know what happens in the impound

Oh, and it's just begging to have a thong painted on it, triangle in front, check!, paint stripes on both sides from the hood corners and bring it to a sexy little 'T' on the rear.

Looks like they finally found a way to clear out the leftover "flying vagina" grilles from the Subaru Tribeca.

Woohoo, Canton-Massillon OH. I knew the living was cheap here, and without all the crime problems of Detroit and the rest, at least so far...

Why isn't he allowed on the bus? I bet if he was a black bear, everyone would all be AWWWWW! To exclude a bear access to repurposed public transportation, just because of the color of its fur, is speciesist, dear sirs, and cannot be tolerated. Not in this day and age.

Had the two dolls been clothed, the police would have dispersed the unruly crowd.