
So Wert gets to be the booth babe for I09...

I breathlessly await the imminent "Zombie Raptors Ahead, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" hacked sign.

Wow, that's so amazing, Optimus Prime carrying the world's largest Watermelon!

Quit trying to make me a hippie, Lifehacker.

I want those flames to suck.

@Zillon: which is AWESOME for trying to destroy $1200 strollers.

You forgot to mention starting the Lifehacker effect, of linking to a site and taking it down with increased traffic.

@Idomeneo: Thus violating your ISP's TOS. Congratulations, when they find out, they'll sue you and cancel your internet.

@brandegee: I thought the corvair was going backwards as well for a second, then thought, wow, somebody should rig up a car to race backwards, with the driver facing properly of course, not in reverse.

I was pissed with all the not being able to sign up, but they extended the deal, so I'm going to give them a shot, maybe I'll be singing their praises by this time next year, we'll see.

First the billing debacle where DreamHost randomly charged all their customers between $200 and $9000, now the signup debacle where DreamHost disappoints hundreds of thousands (or more) of potential customers by not being able to sign them up for a simple account. I admit that for a period of time I was trying to get

I sincerely hope these are not ranked in that order. Because I believe CareerBuilder doesn't deserve to be listed, what with the policy of listing hundreds of "non-traditional, may require investment" jobs in with legitimate listings, it destroys any credibility that site may have had.

Someone already designed the iCar, the Ford 021C concept:

@UriahGalupie: Why yes, of course, 'the magical freaking market' resolves all. That's why we have comcraps and time wanker instituting bandwidth caps everywhere, because we all asked for that bullshit. You d-bag.

@piththeelder: Well, arguing with a lady and not letting her get a word in edgewise, shouting her down to prove you are the only one who could ever be right is a good start...

There was no commenter of the day on Thursday, way to drop the ball Jalopnik! I almost didn't notice! Go forth and find me a comment of the day for thursday, please.

There was no commenter of the day on Thursday, way to drop the ball Jalopnik! I almost didn't notice! Go forth and find me a comment of the day for thursday, please.