
Side impact crash test ratings would probably be horrendous though...

The Club is so superfluous, you can hacksaw or take a pair of bolt-cutters to the steering wheel to get it off. If someone wants your car bad enough, they will get it.

$40,000 / 36 mo.= $1,111.11/mo. payment, woohoo! Wait, insurance would run that much too?

Everyone says to leave a note, but why not pick up some of that "window decorating marker" they make to write "go team" and all that b/s on cars, and write some nice commentary on their windshield or rear window...

I see one! Look! In the White House!

She burglarized the cars with her kids. What'd she do? Make them vomit all over the good new cars?

"Drive Safe, Drive Smart..."


/me kills everyone and steals their cars.

only if the "pearly white orbs" have nippleage!

Fuck laser cock-grabbing cop-suckers!

$17 a can, I don't think people are going to fuck around and pour endless dollars down a malfunctioning air conditioning system that needs repair. Especially if it leaks out completely in a day, but I had a compressor rebuilt and refilled and it was only $220, so 12 days of leaky air conditioning vs. just getting it

"Miller said Honda will create some smoking areas on the property, and employees and visitors will be able to smoke in their cars on plant property."

With cylinder deactivation technology, they could make trucks as fuel efficient as cars... Just nueter the truck engine unless it is under towing load. 1+ minute 0-60 times on 4-6 cylinders unless the trailer hitch is hooked up to a trailer and the engine senses a heavy load. That would get people out of trucks.

would it really suck the bird in PERFECTLY like that... stuck with the head out and feathers almost uniformly splayed.... so hey, this could be pretty damned fake. Plus, no other carnage about, while I do realize the suction must be SO powerful, you'd think that maybe some feathers and other assorted bits would've

Man, that Prius-Train Tug-o-war was pretty lame...

I wonder how many of the people running towards the wreckage were running to help, vs. how many were running towards it to stand about and gawk at all the carnage.

Who won the car? And do they get a free tetanus shot to go with it?

I, for one, welcome our new Golem overlords.

Soo... Nascar = Pro Wrestling but with cars, got it.