
Quit feeding my Saab 96 lust, goddamnit!

12-15 around town 18 mpg on the highway (properly tuned), at least, that's what my dad says, he used to sell these.

It could've been filled with ET games for the Atari...

That car looks pretty stoned, y'know, with the red eyes and heavy lids.

Fuck Yeah! Sierra Nevada!

the release covers "pictures," but does it cover "video," y'know you could tape the whole damn thing and put up frames from it...

Deck of cards, floor jack and jack stands, and a rear-ward facing rumble seat. I should keep whiskey or something in the car for emergencies.

Super 1 MPG potential!

@voyage2k: On "Sexy Powerpoint," you could make your bar graphs out of photoshopped dildoes or Fleshlights, etc. Or use a "tit scale" such as "if we implemented this strategy it could raise our profits by 20 tits!" oh, and you have to use screen-shots of .jpgs of breasts.

Rollerskating hot robot-man on robot-man love! Oh wait, maybe that was the other clip...

Screw getting rich, owning your own home gets you LAID!

My dad has an awesome story about going to repo a car (for a dealership he worked for) out in Oaklahoma, and it had kick on brights. He was doing 70 or so on a two lane on a moonless night on the way back with the car, went to kick on the brights, and the lights cut out!

Silly Jezibelle, it's only an abortion if the egg is fertilized, or are we now using the "abortificient" definition, that anything that tries to prevent pregnancies is an abortion. The pill, condoms, and the morning after pill especially would result in a death sentence for "abortion" if certain religous psychotics

I've written my own pre-nup... and it's completely fair. It mostly deals with financial issues etc, if I make 60% of the household income, I pay 60% of the household bills. If we have kids, we have life insurance. It's required that we keep at least a six month supply of money in an emergency fund in case one of us

I had a brilliant idea yesterday on my way to my best bud's college graduation party. I had stopped at Walgreens to get a card, and couldn't find much I liked, then I saw the 99 cent cards... I bought three! One "kindergarten", one "grade school" and one generic general graduation card. I signed the K-like a child,

When can we look forward to seeing a "Beat on the BRaT" video...?

But, how is it in the SNOW?!?

Of course it's right after point 117: Take a totalled car, and cut it in half, and weld the good half to another car that's been in a different accident.

Yeah, I agree with tracilyns, there's no use in this without taking into account the insurance. I've got health insurance for $12 a week (including Dental and Vision), 3 weeks vacation, and live 2 miles from work by bicycle.