
Please someone send me one....

Damn, made my GMDeathWatch-Supreme, and nothing to fight with, no one in my "class" and no one on the servers...

What cop cars really need are harpoons, or giant sized vending machine claws to grab onto the other car...

Well, at least if they give me a wrong estimate and I run out of gas, then I can call AAA and get up to 5 gal. of free gas...

@rwebbart: I would, but I'd poke my eye out on the stick.

Super DUI potential!!!

make battery car, include tiny IC engine that charges batteries. 1 gallon gas tank, effective range on battery power: 195 mpg, gasoline range 5 mpg, voila! 200 mpg car. Profit!

Get the internet, I hear it's all the rage these days. Angry, angry internet.

maybe the state put a bounty out on the stickers, that even the voids would be worth $5 a pop to get the people to re-purchase or to exclude them from the HOV lane forever.

330, hell, that's my current area code, but back in the day, the whole right corner of the state was 216, now only downtown Cleveland has the 216 and they added 440.

I just painted my kitchen this weekend with my father's help, and I'm gonna do the bedroom today. You have to be sure to hyperventilate to get all the paint huffing effects you can out of the drying paint.

@katana: $20 movie, $40 dinner, and $40 tank of gasoline.

I have a handicapped parking placard. But that's only because I had some foot surgery and three months off work. It expires at the end of May, but the DMV lady forgot to punch the expiry dots in it, so technically I could use it until Dec. of 2013 if no one bothers to run the numbers. I won't though.

the top speed is 32 mph I think, on the air, anything over that and you are on the IC engine.

@thriftytechie: Filing bankruptcy would probably not dissolve the car company, it would give them a chance to reorganize. You know, shut down the factories, bust the union, quit paying for employee health care, then re-hire everyone for $8 an hour and force employees to contribute $100 a week for their own health

Hey, it could be that the wiimote is made out of that same porcelin spark plugs are made out of, whatever it is, positively or negatively charged. I heard somewhere that if you break a big enough chunk of porcelin off the spark plug, and toss it at a car window, the window will shatter soundlessly, dunno if it's an

hahahaha, road head was the reason that cruise control was invented!

@wohho: "Potatoes are sexier than that thing."

well, Dodge did make the Diplomat back in the day...