
Where's the love for good ole BUBBLES!?!

I bet the plates will cost more as well, heh. That's hilarious, man, just too fuckin' funny.

Way to steal one of the lines cut from Clerks (it's available on the unedited Clerks X: Tenth anniversary edition dvd)

Hey, don't those nifty "backup cameras" make it JUST like an interactive videogame where the point is to run over as many people as possible, in reverse?

12 pack of microwave popcorn bags. $3.00, or 25 cents each. Pop, roughly 2 1/2 minutes in company microwave, eat half on first 15 min. break, then final half on second 15 minute break. Assuming 6 day work weeks (a mandatory May thru Sept. in a factory bakery) works out to $78 for a year of lunches, I WIN!

They didn't learn those techniques in the CIA, they learned them at Guantanamo Bay...

it needs to be 500 HP, dammit

Dead Company Walking!

Gaea... that there's some Captain Planet shit!

It all "sounds" great, until you do some further research and find out that the "hybrid air car" that can go 2800 miles on a single tank of gas (or diesel who knowS?) will only run on air until apprx. 35-37 miles per hour.

• But seriously, who calls a car horn a "honker"?

Now they just need a great interior, and make the car more affordable while they are at it. Oh, and no accidentally ejecting roofs, please.

Ugh, another "lifestyle-mobile." I feel dumber for having even watched that.

how about used cell phone buying tips or pointers on where to get them....

I can't fill up. My car is in the shop and I don't have a ride to go pick it up.

hey, ya gotta love everclear, with hawaiian punch, it's great. I wonder what they actually use it for in states where it's legal...

oh, okay, two sources is more understandable, keep up the good work!

Let's refrain from claiming someone is in jail, until there's some actual proof. Rumor and Speculation and later correction is no way to run an internet news source. Kudos to Jalopnik for setting us straight as quickly as possible, but if I read it on Jalopnik I want to be certain it's true.

hahahaha, he wasn't arrested at all

Seen a million years ago.