
All that are missing are some tuff ass brush guards, or thick ramming bumpers for pushing lesser vehicles off the road. Badass!

He was just trying to get the best parking, you know, the spot right in front of the RadioShack.

You know, now that I think about it, there are some roads like that in West Virginia...

they should've donated them to charity

I don't know if this would work with DIET soda, as diet floats in water, because of the Aspertame in it. Perhaps that's why it didn't work with the Nestea?

But this is URBAN camo...

That grocery game crap, you have to pay a subscription fee to, no thanks.

is that thing knocking itsself out of gear, or into gear, the way it rolls forward after the front bouncing, it looks like it.

Perhaps they'll change it to the "United American Workers" so they can distance themselves from the "auto" side of it.

what was sparking in the headliner of the car. Looks like a setup. Fake or staged explosion, sucky.

I believe I saw a news crew use the parrallel parking system to park the car, and they made a point of it, that "you have to keep your foot on the brake and have it depressed slightly for the parking system to work. This video was completely staged, and stupid. Every time he lets off the brake, the system takes

YouTube blows, all their shit is broken tonight. If they can't display the videos, they shouldn't be in the business.

fxb, I'm not sure if this is true, but I heard or read somewhere that the reason John Bobbit's wife, Lorena cut his dick off, is because he was in a porno, and got one of his co-stars pregnant. When it was successfully re-attached, he made another movie called "John Bobbit: Uncut."

Network2 rocks, I've been watching STBD (or Something To Be Desired) since season 2. There's some really good quality stuff over there, and I'm headed over there right now to check out some more of it.

What's the 0-60 time in that beast?

Everybody knows those Red Delicous are impregnated with Cocaine!

Wow, a Gizmodo post from last year. On LifeHacker, yay.

somebody needs to stake out the town council's houses, or go drain their batteries, and report them for having a non-operating vehicle sitting out.

well, I've seen .mp3 to .mid converters/software supposedly for sale, but I don't want to pay $30 just to be able to put a couple ringtones on a phone I'll most likely be getting rid of, or giving back to my brother for his oldest boy (I'm on their family plan).

I want that job!