
40 year republican war on education may have something to do with it.

(the cool ones get it)

It was really weird, I dreamed that I was living in New England...

(Most AV Club commenters stare blankly at Mesozoic era reference.)

“Hi...I’m Larry and this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl and this is my other brother Darryl.

Remember all this the next time you read that requiring ID isn’t a barrier to voting.

What happened to Biden being the right candidate because he could negotiate with the other side of the aisle?

After what Zack Synder did?

First of all, thank you for signing up and diving into this with such depth and purpose.

I too created an account to respond, and though I really do appreciate the quality of analysis and writing in these reviews, I do disagree strongly with your take on a big part of season two:

At any given moment I half-expect her to defiantly shout “MY FATHER IS JOHN MCCAIN!!!”

So to answer the Internet Geniuses who respond with tired shit like “should Catholics only be played by Catholics, THEN?” There’s a difference between the role Catholicism plays in the world and the role Jews and Judaism play. One is the richest most powerful church on earth and has been for centuries. The others were

This is a Lambo;

It’s a bit weird because she’d be easy to write out, but on the other hand, Venom was a $200 million domestic blockbuster, which is not something Williams has a lot of on her resume, so I bet she figures, OK, just clock in for a week’s worth of work on a Venom movie every couple years, collect the money, keep the

I wanted a show where the moon says CHA

As far as I know, there isn’t any requirement to maintain a UN vaccine card in the US. However, I was issued one after receiving my initial inoculations in basic training for the Army back in ‘92, and have maintained it since. I thought it was pretty handy as it’s the only official document recording vaccinations that

Agreed. He’s a huge part of the reason why IM3 is my favorite of that series. The comics Mandarin is a garbage character and always was. The IM3 fakeout is brilliant, and the way Shang-Chi creates a new character (instead of reverting to the old, terrible one from the comics) is good too. They can both be good!

My friend and his wife (a lawyer by profession, so she knew what she was doing) split up about five years ago. She made very similar allegations against him, right down to coaching the kids to say that he’d abused them, all of which were eventually proven to be totally untrue. He went through hell because of a

There’s something deeply sad about the fact that he didn’t reach his own 100th birthday.